New York City  »  10013  »  Spring St  »  300 Spring St

300 Spring Street, New York, NY 10013

300 Spring Street, New York, NY 10013

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300 Spring Street, New York, NY 10013
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  • Mortgages
  • Permits
  • Property info
  • Owner names
  • Phone numbers

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Property Overview

Property address 300 Spring St
Zip code 10013
Borough Manhattan
Block & lot 00594-7507
Lot dimensions
Lot sqft 2,296
Buildings on lot 1
Property class Special Condominium Billing Lot (R0)
Year built 2005
Square feet 13,140

Other Property Data for 300 Spring Street, New York

Neighborhood: Hudson Square
School district: 2
Residential Units: 8
Commercial Units: 1
Maximum floor area ratio:
Available air rights:
Certificate of occupancy:

About the Property

What is the year built & the total sq. ft. for 300 Spring Street, New York, NY 10013?

300 Spring Street, New York, NY 10013 was built in 2005 and has a total of 13,140 square feet.

How many residential units does this building have?

This building has 8 residential unit(s) and 1 commercial spaces.

Ownership Information

Owner name, mailing address and phone numbers for 300 Spring Street, New York, NY 10013. For LLC-owned properties, see who is behind the LLC, manually researched by our team. We are calling NYC property owners to verify that phone numbers reach the right person. Find out more about real owners and phone numbers.

Property owner for 300 Spring Street, New York, NY 10013
Find out who owns 300 Spring Street, New York, NY 10013.
See Owner
Building contacts for 300 Spring Street, New York, NY 10013
Building management:
Representatives (from permits):
Registered voters:

Real Estate Reports:
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Eliza Theiss, Aug 08, 2022 The Effect of Recent New York State Legislative Changes on Brokers
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Title Documents for 300 Spring Street, New York

Records go back to 1966 and include the complete history of deeds, mortgages, assignments of leases and rents, and more! Plus, document images are one-click away.

Data not available for this property.

R: Recorded date
D: Document date

Assessment History for 300 Spring Street, New York

Data not available for this property.

Permits for 300 Spring Street, New York

Assess the condition of a property with access to the history of permits filed, including new construction or demolition permits, plus any work pertaining to plumbing, heating, sprinkler systems, and more! Data goes back to 1990.

Filing date Job type Job status Job description Initial cost
05/17/2019 Alteration type 2
03/14/2018 Alteration type 2
04/28/2016 Alteration type 2
04/12/2016 Alteration type 2
04/07/2016 Alteration type 2
04/07/2016 Alteration type 2
03/07/2014 Alteration type 2
01/13/2022 Alteration
05/24/2019 Alteration
05/02/2019 Alteration
Get quick access to all permit data for 300 Spring Street, New York so you can assess its condition. Create an account and then unlock the full report for this property.
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Hudson Square residential market stats

View a detailed real estate market overview of Hudson Square and check out current trends, home values, types of properties sold and transaction volume.
View the median home sale price in Hudson Square and compare it to other neighborhoods in Manhattan.

Median Sale Price
1% YoY
Median Price/Sqft
1% YoY
Manhattan Median Sale Price
1% YoY


Here are the neighbors for 300 Spring Street, New York, NY 10013.

Address Square feet Purchase date Purchase price
46 Carmine St, New York 3,253
445 Lafayette St, New York 141,946
135 W 4th St, New York 18,416
103 Waverly Pl, New York 55,113
124 E 13th St, New York 14,053
272 Spring St, New York 12/16/2021 $367,700,000
86 Bedford St, New York 3,864 11/24/2010
56 Barrow St, New York 1,320 11/13/2009 $1,764,000
255 Hudson St, New York 94,226
304 Spring St, New York 32,168
330 Spring St, New York 75,631
142 W 10th St, New York 6,416
134 W 10th St, New York 27,787
225 W 10th St, New York 23,598
367 Bleecker St, New York 11,499
59 Horatio St, New York 3,396
3 Weehawken St, New York 11,852
231 10th Ave, New York 53,455
545 W 25th St, New York 75,040
444 W 19th St, New York 52,646
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