New York City  »  10028  »  Madison Ave  »  1076 Madison Ave

1076 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10028

1076 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10028

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1076 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10028
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  • Owner names
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Property Overview

Property address 1076 Madison Ave
Zip code 10028
Borough Manhattan
Block & lot 01493-0014
Lot dimensions
Lot sqft 4,860
Buildings on lot 1
Property class Multi-Story Retail Building (2 or More) (K2)
Year built 1910
Square feet 16,529

Other Property Data for 1076 Madison Avenue, New York

Neighborhood: Carnegie Hill
School district: 2
Commercial Units: 1
Maximum floor area ratio:
Available air rights:
Closest Police station: 0.647939004334105 Miles
Closest Fire station: 0.308860332690904 Miles
Certificate of occupancy:

Alternate Addresses

You will find all alternate addresses for the property in this section.

•  25-27 E 81st St, New York, NY 10028 •  1072-1076 Madison Ave, New York, NY 10028

About the Property

How many square feet does 1076 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10028 have?

This Multi-Story Retail Building (2 or More) (K2) located at 1076 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10028 has a total of 16,529 square feet.

What is the year built & the current market value of 1076 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10028?

1076 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10028 was built in 1910 and has a current tax assessor's market value of $5,537,000.

How many commercial spaces does this building have?

This building has 1 commercial spaces.

Ownership Information

Owner name, mailing address and phone numbers for 1076 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10028. For LLC-owned properties, see who is behind the LLC, manually researched by our team. We are calling NYC property owners to verify that phone numbers reach the right person. Find out more about real owners and phone numbers.

Property owner for 1076 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10028
Find out who owns 1076 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10028.
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Building contacts for 1076 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10028
Building management:
Representatives (from permits):
Registered voters:

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Title Documents for 1076 Madison Avenue, New York

Records go back to 1966 and include the complete history of deeds, mortgages, assignments of leases and rents, and more! Plus, document images are one-click away.

Doc rec date Doctype Document amount Party1 name Party2 name Link to doc with redirect
11/01/2000 - R Satisfaction Of Mortgage
04/20/1982 - R Uniform Commercial Code 3
04/20/1982 - R Uniform Commercial Code 3
04/28/1977 - R Agreement
04/28/1977 - R Assignment, Mortgage
01/16/1973 - R Declaration
10/06/1971 - R Mortgage
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R: Recorded date
D: Document date

Property Taxes for 1076 Madison Avenue, New York

Access detailed property tax data for 1076 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10028. Tax information included: property tax, market value and assessed value, exemptions, abatements, and assessment history.

Tax year: 2022-2023
Tax assessor's market value: $5,537,000
Current tax bill: $267,977

Assessment History for 1076 Madison Avenue, New York

Here's the assessment & property tax history for 1076 Madison Avenue, New York, including the evolution of the total tax rate and corresponding property tax.

Year Building class Market value Assessed value Taxable Tax rate% Base tax Property tax
2021/22 K2 $5,071,000 $2,281,950 $2,281,950 10.755% $245,424 $245,424
2020/21 K2 $7,802,000 $3,510,900 $3,139,200 10.694% $335,706 $335,706
2019/20 K2 $7,492,000 $3,371,400 $2,988,720 10.537% $314,921 $314,921
2018/19 K2 $7,402,000 $3,330,900 $2,891,620 10.514% $304,025 $304,025
2017/18 K2 $6,346,000 $2,855,700 $2,775,440 10.514% $291,810 $291,810
2016/17 K2 $6,370,000 $2,866,500 $2,756,000 10.574% $291,419 $291,419
2015/16 K2 $6,130,000 $2,758,500 $2,562,700 10.656% $273,081 $273,081
2014/15 K7 $6,831,000 $3,073,950 $2,454,790 10.684% $262,270 $262,270
2013/14 K7 $6,325,000 $2,846,250 $2,156,090 10.323% $222,573 $222,573
2012/13 K7 $6,136,000 $2,761,200 $1,826,840 10.228% $186,849 $186,849
2011/12 K7 $6,389,000 $2,875,050 $1,879,110 10.152% $190,767 $190,767
2010/11 K7 $6,150,000 $2,767,500 $1,529,100 10.312% $157,681 $157,681
2009/10 K7 $5,940,000 $2,673,000 $1,450,600 10.426% $151,240 $151,240
2008/09 K7 $3,870,000 $1,741,500 $1,237,600 10.241% $126,743 $126,743
2007/08 K7 $2,730,000 $1,228,500 $1,071,800 10.059% $107,812 $107,812
2006/07 K7 $3,090,000 $1,390,500 $1,059,200 10.997% $116,480 $116,480
2005/06 K7 $2,880,000 $1,296,000 $990,700 11.306% $112,009 $112,009
2004/05 K7 $2,370,000 $1,066,500 $885,400 11.558% $102,335 $102,335

Permits for 1076 Madison Avenue, New York

Assess the condition of a property with access to the history of permits filed, including new construction or demolition permits, plus any work pertaining to plumbing, heating, sprinkler systems, and more! Data goes back to 1990.

Filing date Job type Job status Job description Initial cost
11/18/2020 Alteration type 2
11/18/2020 Alteration type 2
07/24/2020 Alteration type 1
08/02/2019 Alteration type 2
11/20/2015 Alteration type 2
09/22/1999 Alteration type 2
03/30/1995 Alteration type 2
03/30/1995 Alteration type 2
02/15/2022 Alteration
02/01/2022 Alteration
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Carnegie Hill residential market stats

View a detailed real estate market overview of Carnegie Hill and check out current trends, home values, types of properties sold and transaction volume.
View the median home sale price in Carnegie Hill and compare it to other neighborhoods in Manhattan.

Median Sale Price
1% YoY
Median Price/Sqft
1% YoY
Manhattan Median Sale Price
1% YoY


Here are the neighbors for 1076 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10028.

Address Square feet Purchase date Purchase price
36 E 81st St, New York 4,815 7/14/2021
14 E 81st St, New York 6,520 4/27/2017
4 E 81st St, New York 7,304 2/1/2002
45 E 80th St, New York 111,920
1001 5th Ave, New York 109,076 6/3/2019 $3,500,000
5 E 81st St, New York 6,179 6/12/2000
9 E 81st St, New York 4,860 4/15/2021
11 E 81st St, New York 6,002 7/23/1975
15 E 81st St, New York 16,233 3/23/1984
21 E 81st St, New York 7,784 4/12/1982
1075 Madison Ave, New York 92,500
940 Park Ave, New York 64,058
950 Park Ave, New York 98,800
54 E 82nd St, New York 4,758 10/12/1972
52 E 82nd St, New York 3,360 3/28/2012 $6,250,000
46 E 82nd St, New York 6,408 10/30/2019 $15,100,000
44 E 82nd St, New York 4,386 2/4/1997
20 E 82nd St, New York 11,880
18 E 82nd St, New York 7,772 7/1/2009 $14,300,000
16 E 82nd St, New York 8,099 2/11/2020 $12,250,000
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